Thursday, September 15, 2011

School Open House

Chloe took me to her open house at her school.  She got to show me all through her classroom, and introduce me to her teacher.  She was very proud to show me her song book with coloring and writing.  She showed me this chamelion she'd painted and some of her other projects displayed around the room.  
I was so pleased and surprised to see Chloe so excited and affectionate toward her teacher. Mrs. Noyse.  She very regularly draws pictures for her and wants to bring her little presents.  Whenever Chloe doesn't finish an assignment in class, she tells her teacher she will bring it home to finish.  This happens fairly frequently because Chloe is very deliberate about how she does her assignments.  She works slowly and makes sure to do things "just right".  Sometimes she likes to bring it back to school to show that she'd done it.  

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