Friday, September 16, 2011

Big feelings

We work with Chloe a lot to help manage her bigger than life feelings. Sometimes they are so intense they overwhelm all of us. The main message we try to get across is that everyone can have big feelings, we love her the same all the time, and she can learn to manage her feelings so she doesn't feel out of control. Mostly, what works best for Chloe is to separate herself until she calms down a bit before talking through the issue right away. As she gets older, calming down by herself seems to be the best. We've have many, many, many occasions of walking her through this process with varied results. It's no surprise that a young child having bigger than life feelings would have a hard time following directions, even if they are in her best interest. :)
Just the other day, Chloe was trying to help Abby, but was instead making it more difficult for her. Abby asked Chloe to stop what she was doing. Chloe immediately began to cry and (literally) ran screaming to her bedroom. Abby and I were both a bit surprised at what seemed to be an over-reaction. We decided we'd wait to see what happened. Chloe cried in her bedroom for a few minutes before sniffling her way back down the stairs. She walked right up to Abby and asked if she could talk to her. When Abby said yes, Chloe said: "I was really trying to help you when you told me to stop, an it really hurt my feelings." then they had a conversation about it, Abby thanked her for trying to help, and told her that sometimes she's going to have to tell her to stop what shes doing- but that she Always appreciates her effort and always loves her. Chloe cried a little more in relief, and they started to goof off and laugh.
I was so incredibly impressed with Chloe doing exactly what she knew how to do. She didn't ask or need me to help her. She wasn't embarrassed to say how she felt or approach the situation... I've been so puffed up and proud about this since it happened.
Seeing the two of them continuing to bond and build their relationship is literally the light of my life and the highlight of my days.
Seeing Chloes emotional skills surpass most adults I know, is both impressive and gratifying.
She regularly gets compliments on being such an articulate kid.
I'm happy and proud to be her mom.

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