Friday, September 2, 2011

New flavors!

Apparently Chloe LOVES homeade chicken noodle soup.  Mikey roasted a couple of chickens and Shell made soup after.   Chloe whined about eating it and then asked for seconds.  She asked for it again for lunch the next day and was bouncing all around hyper. 
I asked her about it again, and she said she mainly liked the chicken and the noodles. 
We are all hoping she is beginning to like blended flavors!  :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Molting Straw

As Chloe removes her straw wrapper: "My straw is molting, so it's getting stronger."

Chloe's big sister.

Chloe says, "I died." Kirsten is bringing her in for treatment. 
This summer Chloe has started calling Kirsten her big sister.  They have gone through some growing pains, but overall, they are doing really well.  They are now sharing a room.  Chloe tells me that she likes it but she's not sure if Kirsten likes it because she mostly annoys Kirsten when she's talking and singing at bedtime. 

They are having fun painting cars.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Summertime Zoo Days!

I'm so happy that Chloe got to spend some time at the zoo this summer!  My mom and Shana got memberships, so they've been making trips. I'm sad to miss them while I'm at work, but I'm so happy to hear all the stories and get the cell phone picture updates! 
She is super smart and answers questions from the presenters. I think its so cool that they made the dinosaur exibit!  It's perfect for Chloe!