Saturday, August 13, 2011

Veggie Patrol

Chloe has had a good time going to Veggie Patrol this summer.  Near the end of the summer she decided she didn't want to go anymore - but we did have some good saturday mornings while it lasted.  In this class they learned how to make flip books of a flower growing.  Chloe was very precice while copying what the instructor was doing on her example in front of the group.  Then they played "flower-flower-bee" to the rules of "duck-duck-goose".  Chloe played and had a good time.  It was a very warm day that day, and she went to change her clothes before joining the group.  We always have a better time when Chloe is not over-heated!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Pony Rides

 She got to ride a pony for the first time with her dad this summer.  She told me the story of it about 5 times.  I guess it left an impression. :)