Saturday, April 28, 2012

Quilt from Grandma Kris

Chloe picked out all the fabric for her next quilt from Grandma Kris.  We all agree she did an exceptional job finding fabrics that work well together.  She is getting very interested in the process of quilting.  Grandma tells her that whenever she's ready she will teach her everything she knows.  Chloe assures her that she will very much want to learn how to quilt.  I'm looking forward to taking pictures and writing about those times with Chloe behind a sewing machine, and when she makes her first projects. 
We were hanging out in the quilt room this day and Chloe wanted to take pictures with all of her different fabrics.  She's so fun and silly. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Curly hair!

Chloe wanted to have curly hair. We don't have a curling iron- and I explained how those are damaging to your hair. Instead I reminded her about how her hair gets curly after its been braided. At first she didn't want to sleep with her braids in, but when I told her that's what I did all the time as a kid, and that's how you get curly hair the next day, she changed her mind pretty quickly.
Here she is with her braids and the next day with grandma (they had a sleep over) and her curly hair!

Hanging with cousins

Chloe got to spend the day with grandma Vicki, Megan and Shana, Keiani, and Giada. They played in thw sunshine at Shana's house and then went to town. Grandma bought them a toy!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bring Your Child to Work Day

Every year my work, at the Border Patrol, has a Bring Your Child to Work Day event.  Chloe was able to come two years ago.  This year we were able to work it out again.  My mom picked her up from school and brought her up to me.  It was a fun morning.  She was pretty bashful fo rmuch of the day, being around so many strange faces.  Luckily she had her jacket collar to hide with.  I thought it was pretty cute.