Friday, September 16, 2011

Clever Chloe

Last night Chloe asked Abby during dinner if she was going to be able to "goofy read" for her at bedtime.  Abby said she wasn't sure because it actually took a lot of brain power to think up all the words and energy to keep up with the stories.  Chloe said okay. 
Then she said, "Abby come here for a minute... closer... closer..." She stood up on her chair. 
She began reaching in the front pocket of Abby's shirt with both hands... then she started putting "something" in Abby's ear. 
Abby let her do it for a minute or so before asking "What are you putting in my ear?"
Chloe said "Thinking Power - so you can goofy read!"
Abby and I both started laughing with glee.  She was so clever. 
It was too much for Chloe though, she got upset and ran to the couch.  We'd embarrased her and surprised her with our loud and fast reaction. 
Abby went to her on the couch and explained why we were laughing - because we love her and are so impressed with her sometimes... it makes us laugh because we are so happy.
We were NOT laughing AT her... poor thing.  But man, it was so dang cute.  

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