Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fairy Houses

Chloe and I headed out in the afternoon and went for a walk with a basket.  We went all around the yard and on the trail closeby the house.  We gathered leaves and flowers and pinecones and sticks and rocks...We picked up anything pretty or interesting.  Then we found a few places around the yard that would be good fairy homes and built some pretty little abodes.  We got really into it.  We made beds and kitchens and doorways with welcome signs.  We made trails and firepits and stools.  For a couple weeks after that she was talking about making fairy houses.  She and Kylee would go out with their baskets and gather supplies for them.  I hope to make fairy houses a regular part of our summers.  We had a fun time connecting and being creative together.  It was so fun to get caught up in the whimsey and chatting about what the fairies would do if they came upon such a perfect little home.   

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