Sunday, July 31, 2011


Chloe's had  a lot of big things to deal with in her short life.  Plenty of moving, death of family members, seeing real grief first hand, new family dynamics, new schools, new homes, new parents - and on. She has some parts of her beautiful personality that we all see as strengths - some of which are very cumbersome and confusing for a 5-6 year old to carry around.   We all help her as much as we can. 
She also has so so much love in her life, and many people looking out for the best for her.  One of the many things we all agree on is Barbara.  Barbara is Chloe's counselor.  She's seen her at times once a week, and at other times as little as once a month.  It is a relationship we decided to provide for Chloe, and an important one.  So far, all of our experiences with Barbara have been great!  Chloe loves her, and we've seen her visits with Barbara as one of the pieces of the puzzle that has ensured Chloe as the well adjusted child she is.  As Chloe gets older, she will have yet another trusted adult on her side as she (presumably) has hurdles to jump in the future. 
Occasionally, she does projects in her sessions with Barbara.  This on was a self portrait.

Detail shot to show her pet gecko

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