Sunday, July 24, 2011

Eat Anything You Want Day!!

It's a recurring holiday in our house!  It's one of the ways we reward Chloe and ourselves for eating healthy on a regular basis.  It feels good to let loose some of our most strict rules from time to time.  We'd planned a Eat Anything You Want Day and I had to go to work for the morning.  By the time I was there for an hour or so, I got this awesome picture from Abby!!  Looks like a fun shopping trip of your dreams for a kid!!  Abby and I secretly love it, too! 
Of course I immediately spot the red vines and ghiradelli chocolates!  Abby was thinking of me!  One of the only rules for Eat Anything You Want Day is that you have to eat a good hearty breakfast to kick it off. As with anything else, it CAN be ruined by a bad attitude. So far, we haven't had any Eat Anything You Want Days taken away. 

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