Friday, July 29, 2011

Swimming Lessons

 Chloe continued swimming lessons for a bit into June.  She began to do VERY well!  She told me all about how she was learning to "bob" in the water without plugging her nose.  A couple times I took her swimming at the apartment complex.  She could go into the pool on her own.  Jump in and come out again.  She was practicing trying to float on her back and front.  She told me how she was learning to "torpedo" or glide through the water.  She was told by someone at the pool that she was the best in her class.  That seemed to light a spark in her that she would try every time to be the best in her class.  She was a real student of the water for a couple months or so.  I loved watching her confidence grow in the water.  Eventually, she decided that she wanted to take some gymnastics lessons instead of swimming for a while.  I hope one day she goes back to swimming, even just enough to keep her confidence growing. 
Since her lessons were during the times I was at work, I was sad to miss all of the summertime lessons.  But I did send a sucker with my mom one day for her to have a treat from mommy when she was done swimming.  I sent with it the message that I was proud of her for trying so so hard. 

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