Friday, July 15, 2011

Darn Mosquitoes!

Chloe gets terrible mosquito bites! She always scratches the daylights out of them.  She ends up with terrible welts all over her body and just crawls out of her skin with the itchies! I know how she feels.  The same thing happens to me from time to time.  We try to put cortazone on them with bandaids, and that seems to help mildly.  When she goes to bed at night, we give her a Benedryl for some relief so she can sleep without shredding her skin.  One day we stopped to visit my friend Lise, who told Chloe a story about how she'd heard that toothpaste would help bug bites.  At the time Chloe was astounded that anyone would do such a thing and vowed that she was not interested in trying it .  I told her that was fine, she didnt have to try it... but if she changed her mind any time, we could do it and just see if it works. 

By the time we got home...she was super excited to try it.  She was very curious and scientific about her experience.  She had a hypothesis that it wouldnt work and was pleasantly surprised when it "did sort of work a little bit". 

With Chloe, sometimes it just takes a little while for an idea to sink in before she's ready to try it out. 
I like that about her. 

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