Thursday, May 17, 2012

To Chloe, From Grandma Vicki

Chloe Bear.... Wow you are 7 years old. I cant hardly believe it. I've been thinking about this last year. Remembering all the fun times we have had and the wonderful things we have done. First goodness. The years is almost done and then second grade. You are doing so good in school. I love seeing all your art when I pick you up. I am so proud of the wonderful person you are becoming and how thoughtful you are. You are the sunshine in my days. I love all of our special times together. We went on your first shopping spree. Sleep overs, the zoo to see the dinosaur exhibit, seeing a movie or going to dinner. Sometimes just hanging out together talking. I love them all. I think my favorite times are when we get a pretzel, go to the simulator (I know I never want to go on a real roller coaster!) and then go to the park. Bleodel Donavan Park on Lake Whatcom. Remember... we call it the beach with a park or the park with a beach because it's both. On you first Christmas I bought you an ornament. Then every year I bought one for each year old you were. This Christmas (2011) We went shopping together and bought a set of colored ornaments. You picked them out. At first you thought it was silly to get them because you did not have your own tree. Once I explained it to you it was a go. You were excited about it. We will keep the tradition as long as you want to. That way you will have decorations for your own tree someday.
One other thing I remember is you gave me brain bugs. That is special because only you your Mom, Abby and I have them. They help you think and remember things. Silly me I can’t remember what they look like. Guess I need a dose of new ones.
I guess the one thing I really want to say to you is I really love you grandbaby. I love every minute we have together. I love snuggle bug hugs and chatting about whatever comes to our minds. I just want to hug the stuffins out of ya all the time!!
I love you

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