Thursday, May 17, 2012

To Chloe, From Abby

Dear Chloe,
This is the second year that your mother has put this special book together for you. I decided not to write you a letter last year because I was a very confused new parent. We hadn't yet found our groove as a family and I was battling mixed feelings about my role in your life. When I met your mom in 2009, you were four years old - and I was ill prepared to share my life with a child. The only experiences I had had with children were purely fun ones where I played the part as the "tickle monster" or its distant cousin, the "lava monster".  I really wasn't sure how to discipline you or offer your mom any parental support. Not to mention, at that time, you were displaying some behaviors that were very concerning to me. (Please ask us about this if you'd like more information.) Needless to say, I was struggling to be what you needed me to be. And too, I think you were struggling to make sense of your changing life.
In this past year, you and I have blossomed together. We have established ourselves as family to one another, and I spend my time thinking about how to make your life better and better. In a short time, you have become my daughter and we have proven that a blood relation is secondary to the love and connection shared by human beings. It is a beautiful thing.
I love you, deeply, and I am proud of the person you are now...and the person that you are becoming. I dream about our future years together as a family and it makes me smile in my heart. Your mom and I are here to support you in whatever it is you wish to achieve. We are here to love, empower and encourage you no matter where you find yourself. You can always count on that.
Your Abby

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