Sunday, April 1, 2012

Keeping warm together

We went to dinner with Grandma Kris and Papa John, but Chloe didn't bring her jacket in. (no surprise there) As we were waiting for Papa to bring the car up, Kris and Chloe were keeping warm. At first Chloe was bummed we couldn't go to the restaurant she wanted, but she did a great job changing her perspective and getting excited about going to a new place- which she ended up really liking, of course. :)
A few times recently Papa John has come over in the mornings to help is out by bringing Chloe to school. It's always cute to hear their stories about what they talked about in the morning. This time, they drew pictures and talked about a distant land that had whistling deer and whistling birds. The female deer have wings that always stay up...etc. Chloe's ideas and imagination are super detailed creative. She gets really into her stories and will be sure to correct you if you get it wrong.

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