Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Brave biker and fearless explorer

Today when we got home, Chloe had a streak of brave and decided she wanted to try out her new two wheeler (with me holding on of course). So we went around the driveway and sidewalk for a while. She did get very nervous and got off of the bike a couple times. But after talking it through- and me promising to hold on extra tight- she got back on. We were working on saying things like "This is exciting" and "I can do this" instead of "This is freaky" and "I can't do this". She did a great job of being brave and deciding to say the helpful things to herself. We ended on a good note, and high fived for all the bravery. By that time, Chloe was in "adventure mode" and asked for a walk on the trail. So off we went to be explorers! We took a turn on the trail we'd never gone on before and went off the path "deep into the forest". After exploring around for a while and taking some fun pictures, it was time to come home. I'm proud of adventuresome Chloe! We have a great time together.

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