Sunday, April 1, 2012

Just the two of us

Abby was out of town so Chloe and I were on our own for the day. I took her down to pick out a new game for her 3DS. She was so completely excited about it! She said "Now I know why they call it BEST buy!"
Then we went to get Chloe some socks- its always funny picking out socks for her- she rarely wears the pairs together so I try to choose packs with similar shape and color so they at least coordinate somehow...pretty sure all my attempts are lost in the rest of the outfit on any given day. :)
We had some fun trying on hats at the store. I always think she looks so good in hats- even if they are big and silly. When we got home she had a fudge pop for her treat. She loves them, and they're mostly guilt free to give to her. So we're both happy. Then she couldn't wait to try our her new game, once she figured it out, she couldn't say enough how much she loved it.
I sewed her some Chloe-sized non gloves. Her little hands get very wind-burned so we were devising a way to protect them. They look pretty good on her, and she loves them! Hooray for recycled shirt cuffs.

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