Thursday, February 16, 2012


Chloe had sushi at a restaurant for the first time. She said the sticky rice tasted funny, but she did a good job with her chopsticks. As we sat at dinner she told us about what happens when kids get in trouble at school. The first "step" is being held back from recess. She's only been held back once, for talking to a friend when she was supposed to be listening. Sounds familiar to when I was in school.
We played goofy with our straw wrappers and at one point she told Abby and me we are the best moms in the WORLD. Of course that always feels good.
After dinner, we went grocery shopping. The rule is that Chloe can choose anything she wants from the produce section. This time she chose blueberries and strawberries. We also had a very goofy time talking about grape nuts. I like them and Abby doesn't, or at least she used to not. So we let Chloe try them. It was hilarious Abby talking about how bad they tasted- exaggerating for the fun of it- and Chloe and I saying we were gonna make different things out of them and trick her into eating them.
When we got to the check out, the guy working there said he wanted to help us because we looked to happy. And when we got to the van, Chloe was helping with the groceries.
It was bedtime when we got home, and Chloe was very good about making the transition. It was a nice evening. I love spending family time.

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