Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pocket shirt

I sewed a big pocket all the way around one of Chloe's shirts so she could hold and bond with our little lovies. Abby and I let them in our shirts all the time, but they sometimes try to make a break for it. So I thought if I sewed a compartment around Chloe's shirt she could hold them with no worries of them getting out. The only opening is up on the chest of the shirt so it's super cute when they come peep their little noses out to say hi. Chloe was very excited to hold them and feel them moving around. She said "It tickles!". She was very careful when they wanted to go around to her back that she didn't squish them. Now I'm thinking about ways to make a removable sleeve or something she can wear with any shirt. Hmmm...

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