Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Day of FIRST Grade!

Chloe was looking forward to starting school as a big firstgrader.  She asked me to help her pick out her outfit and she had her backback all ready for a week or more.  She got a fresh haircut from Grandma Vicki and woke up just on time in the morning.  I took the morning off of work so I could bring her to school with Abby and see her classroom and see her off.  As usual, I was all about documenting the moment.  I made sure there was time for a little photo shoot on the porch.  She was pretty silly coming up with stories to pose to.  She wanted to pretend she was waiting for the bus and started to fall asleep, then she finally go so excited she saw the bus and ran off.  She was sure to tell me that she knew she wouldn't be riding a bus to school this year, but that she just wanted to pretend for the pictures.  I captured the usual big cheese grin as I ask her to smile, but I was able to steal a couple "real" moments, too.  When we got to the classroom we found her desk with her name on it and she was ready for us to leave.  A big hug for Abby and a big hug for me... and that was that.   Her first day.  A couple weeks after school started she told me that she likes first grade way more than Kindergarden.


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