Friday, September 9, 2011

Magic all around us

Chloe loves talking about magic.  Lately she is making up a ton of stories about how we are magic beings.  One day I was driving with her in the van and she was singing/talking about the clouds above her.  They were magic clouds... and she made them.  She was the most magic person in the universe.  All the planets that she came from are magic because she was there, and now there is magic all around her on earth.  She can make anyone magic if she wants to. She likes to share her magic. 

At dinner the other night she was telling Abby and I about her magic-ness, and about ours too.  She said I am a "magic-one" and Abby is a "Wizard" and she is a "Wizard-beginner".  BUT she has the "remembering magic" so she can remember what she was before we were here.  Apparently before we were here as magic beings, we were "figments".  When we were figments we all knew each other still, but only she can remember it.  Before that, we were "carbonations".  Amazingly, she remembers being a carbonation, as well!  AND- we knew each other even then.  She said that during the times we were figments and carbonations we'd had the same dinner around the same table all together!!  AND - before carbonations... we were.... white ceramic bird salt and pepper shakers!!! Just like the ones on our dining room table! 
We couldn't believe it... but since Chloe is a rememberer... it must have happened! 

She also told us about how she'd talked to her dad about magic.  Apparently, there are two of the most magic words.  Here's how it went:

Chloe: "Abby, do you know what the two most magic words are?"
Abby: "Nope, what are they?"
Chloe: "I'll give you a hint... the first one is LOVE... guess the second one"
Abby: "Ummm... Thank You?"
Chloe: "Nope...... BACON." 


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