Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Things are just right

This morning I was thinking about how grateful I am that Chloe dresses herself now. It's been a long time since that was my job. I went into her bathroom and noticed how she had aligned her items on the counter just so.
It makes me remember those times when she didn't have so much control of her surroundings and had to rely on me to make everything just right. Not always an easy task. Even though getting her dressed was the hardest part, I did end up getting pretty good at it.
I started off feeling glad about not having to do that anymore, but now I'm missing the feeling of knowing just how she likes everything. It's been a steady process of teaching her to make things how she likes them on her own- without getting upset when someone else does it "wrong". I'm proud of how far she's come.
When I see evidence of these thoughts in things like her bathroom items, it makes me smile and feel proud and nostalgic all at the same time. I think- "Yep- that's my Chloe."

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