Sunday, January 29, 2012

Little Babies

One Saturday we woke up and we were all three in the kitchen having some breakfast. We were talking about what we might do for the day. Abby said: "I know!!! We're going to get some baby pet rats!!" and we all said yyyeeeaaaa!!! It was pretty spontaneous, but we'd talked about it a little before. So we headed out down to the local pat store on railroad. Abby told us stories on the way down there about how she'd gone there as a kid with her dad to get her first pet rats. We called it "the little Abby store", but decided that at some point it'd be called the "little Chloe store", too. So we went in and found one small enclosure with two little baby girls. Just what we wanted!! We shopped around for all the necessities and bought our first pet rats! We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about cute, fun names for them, and finally decided on RuPaul and Rainbow. Abby told us how all her rats had started with R. So we kept the tradition. They are cute names, but we mostly call them "the babies".

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