Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Halloween 2011
We had such a fun and creative halloween!  I talked to Chloe far ahead of time about what she wanted her costume to be.  She told me she wanted to be an alien.  So I concieved this fun, and pretty costume idea with googley eyes, shimmery dresses and feathers.  Then we went shopping and picked out the fabrics together.  As we were shopping she decided that she was not only an alien, but an "alien princess".  I spent the majority of one weekend sewing and testing, and mistaking and sewing and consulting with her.  She was so excited every step of the way.  As I got each element of her costume done, she wanted to wear it around the house.  When Halloween came, she was so excited to get her costume on after school. First we visited Grandma Kris and Papa John and got some trick or treats from them.  Then we went to the community halloween party at Bloedel Donovan Park and she had fun playing the games and winning small prizes.  Part way through the festivities at the park, she discovered the face painting booth.  She asked to be painted like a tyranosaurous rex.  From there on she was no longer an alien princess but an "alien princess baby t-rex"  We finshed the fun at the party and then went home to our neighborhood for some trick-or-treating. At first when she started going around to the houses she was bashful to approach the door.  I told her we believed in her and that if she wanted to trick or treat, she needed to do it.  Abby and I stood out at the sidewalk and waited for her. Even though she was nervous, for the first couple houses, after that she was excited and running up the walks.  One of the neighbors had some "mommy candies" for us- truffles! She was telling each house about her alien princess baby t-rex costume, and many of them told her it was the best and/or most creative costume they'd seen all evening.  Chloe was confident and excited.  Our Cul-de-sac was the perfect number of houses for candy and timing.  We made our way back to our house and as it was nearing bed time.  In the morning, I tried to tease Chloe that Abby and I had eaten all of her candy the night before, but I didn't trick her for a second.  She'd already seen her stash. 

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