Friday, November 11, 2011

She's so smart, among other wonderful things.

Chloe was playing a reading game on his iphone: Chloe: "My dad's phone doesn't know how smart I am."

We recently had a teacher conference. Chloe is above levels in all areas: reading, writing, math. She colored some pictures for her teacher yesterday and put a bunch of math problems on the back for her to include: 2+3=5 an the like. But also: 7+7=14, 6+6=12, 100+100=200, etc. She does a perfect job on all her math assignments and has time to do word and picture problems on the back of her pages. She wrote numbers up to 100 with zero mistakes within an allotted time that most kids don't finish in.
She is just excelling in every area, and I'm so proud of her.
This morning while she was having quiet time before we got up, she folded and put away her own laundry without being asked. I really love having such a responsible, clean-conscious little girl.
She told me they are having a pajama drive at school and she wanted to give some of her own money for the drive. So she got out her piggy bank and got money to brig to school. She also went through her books and is donating the ones she doesn't want anymore. She is generous, and thoughtful, and loving.
I'm bursting with pride today.

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