Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fourth of July!


This fourth of July was so much fun!  We got to go to the "Cake House" again.  This is a really awesome house on Eliza Island that we go to with Abby's family. We take the boat the the Island and stay at the house over the Fourth weekend.  Chloe was so proud of herself this weekend because she had just learned to swallow pills.  She was able to swallow her dramamine, and a tylenol  when she ended up with a growing pain in her leg.  She very much impressed me.  This is the second year we've been to the Cake house for Fourth of July, it's special to be included in the Norton family tradition! Chloe got so excited to go on the boat, and see the house,  play on the beach, roast marshmallows on the beach bon fire, look for many things to list!  I took entirely too many photos over the weekend.  I'll have to include a ton of them.  Every so often I get a collection of pictures that show Chloe's personality.  I definately got some of them this summer! 

Abby, Chloe and Piper running along the beach.




Chloe eating the dried beach seaweed! 



Jumping for joy about the Cake House!! 

Reading stories with Abby

Trying to get mom to eat seaweed!!

Getting the boat ready for a ride!

Lighting off KID fireworks from Papa John

Pipers first time to the Cake House!

Mom and Abby!!

Sunset from the cake house yard.

Grandma Kris searching for agates.

Quality time with Papa John.

It's fun to be on the boat!  Leaving Eliza to visit a beach on Lummi Island.

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